The Academy for Leadership in Education
The Academy for Leadership in Education (ALE) is designed for educators and individuals who are considering an administrative career path, administrators, or others who desire to improve their leadership skills and behaviors. Staffed and facilitated by leadership experts and consultants in the field of leadership, the ALE is a two-year-long, twelve-part series of in-depth professional development sessions. Through a variety of teaching and learning formats, participants will develop their leadership competencies for achieving extraordinary outcomes within their organizations. Leadership is a journey and a process; it is not an event. ALE will liberate the leader within each participant. All participants will receive a certificate for successful completion of the program.
History of the Academy for Leadership in Education
Salisbury University, the Seidel School of Education, collaborating with educators and Superintendents from the Eastern Shore school districts and the Greater Salisbury Committee, partnered in 2002 to create the Academy for Leadership in Education.
Co-Directors for the Academy for Leadership in Education
Dr. Ron Siers
Seidel School of Education, Salisbury University
Ms. Ruth Malone
Seidel School of Education, Salisbury University