Each applicant and or the Search Committee member(s) will be responsible for filing a State of Maryland Expense Account Form (GAD X3) along with the all other necessary original detail receipts (ie...hotel car rental, air fare, applicable meals, etc.) after the interview. The Dean's/Vice President's Office will then be responsible for submitting this information to the Financial Services--Accounts Payable Office for final review, processing and reimbursement. A candidate will only be reimbursed at USM/SU standard allowance rates for mileage and meals. CANDIDATES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHARGE OR DIRECT BILL ANY TYPE OF INTERVIEW EXPENSE TO SALISBURY UNIVERSITY.
Committees should utilize University Dining Services for candidate meals as a first choice or except as approved by the Dean's/Vice President's Office.
This procedure is intended as a guide to expedite the processing of expense account forms for the Candidate Interview Process. If the above forms/approvals are not validated, the Accounts Payable Office will delay processing any expense account until all pertinent information/receipts have been received.