You Make A Difference
Our highly trained and enthusiastic callers reach out to tens of thousands of alumni each semester. Students call Salisbury University alumni from 410-677-0170 for two months during the fall semester and one month during the spring semester. Although we do not receive incoming calls at this number, the voicemail box is monitored regularly.
Why We Call
- To update your contact information for you, including marriages, children, employment, addresses and phone numbers. By having your latest information, we are able to share with you our monthly e-newsletter and our yearly SUMagazine, an informative piece that helps keep you in touch with your former classmates and campus happenings.
- To ask for your financial support of current SU students. Tuition only covers some 80 percent of the actual cost to educate a student at SU today. As government funding continues to decline, we must look to private gifts to maintain the quality and affordable education that is the hallmark of the SU experience.
- To say “Thank you!” It cannot be said enough. The entire campus community sincerely appreciates your commitment to SU.
Employment Information
Sea Gull PRIDE, enthusiasm and a giving spirit are a must for our highly trained student callers. Excellent conversational and listening skills are our trademark. Apply today!