Limited Campus Opening Friday, January 10
Salisbury University students on campus

Emily Goodchild - Success Story

Emily Goodchild HeadshotI have worked in conjunction with social work faculty to complete numerous research endeavors as part of my graduate assistantship position.

I have collaborated with Dr. Vicki Root on the curriculum vitae for the Reaffirmation Self Study that was submitted to the Council on Social Work Education. I have gathered data regarding hospice and palliative care, homelessness, and the utilization of counseling services in academic institutions. I completed Institutional Review Board training, attended the Annual Eastern Shore Mental Health Coalition Conference, analyzed qualitative data from a diversity roundtable project, and participated in a graduate virtual fair. I have assisted Dr. Rachel Buchanan and Dr. Kimberly van Vulpen in the assessment and data analysis of the Council on Social Work Education, Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards, for the Reaffirmation of the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and the Master of Social Work programs.

I aspire to join the field of healthcare and find a career in medical social work after completing the social work graduate program at Salisbury University.