Health Care Decision Making: A Social Worker's Ethical Guide to Practice
April, 16 2020
SWELL (Self-care, Wellness, Entertainment, Lounging and Learning) Conference, Virtual Conference
Social workers will often find themselves working with clients of all ages experiencing situations involving medical events that necessitate a deeper understanding of health care decision making and advance directives. This workshop focuses on developing this understanding by gaining knowledge of state-specific laws (Maryland and the surrounding states) and the completion of advance directives. Participants will also examine the NASW Standards for Palliative and End of Life Care to learn the role of the social worker as it relates to end of life decision making and their work with clients and family members. Finally, participants will experientially learn to navigate ethical dilemmas associated with health care decision making through a series of case examples and discussion.
Preparing Social Work Supervisors for the Research and Practice Connection
October, 26 2019
CSWE Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO