The SU Libraries are proud to recognize Dr. Michael Lewis of the Environmental Studies Department as the inaugural winner of the SU Libraries Information Literacy Partner of the Month Award. This is a new award we will be giving monthly to honor the faculty with whom we partner in teaching students to find, evaluate, and effectively use information. In addition to recognizing Dr. Lewis on the SU Libraries’ website and social media, we also will purchase a book in his field of study to be added to the Libraries' collection in his honor.
It is fitting that we begin awarding this in October, which is National Information Literacy Awareness Month. The presidential proclamation for the first National Information Literacy Awareness Month in 2009 noted:
A stalwart supporter of learning and libraries, Dr. Lewis has worked closely with SU Libraries staff to create long-standing partnerships between librarians and his students. Susan Brazer, the liaison to Environmental Studies, observes,
It is for this willingness to partner in so many ways that we have chosen Dr. Michael Lewis as the inaugural awardee for the SU Libraries' Information Literacy Partner of the Month Award.