Research and Resources
Need help getting started with your research? Looking for books, articles, and more? We’re here to help!
You can use the tools below to help you locate materials you can access through the libraries. Use the A-Z Database List to see the full listing of all the databases licensed by the library, including those that allow you to access full-text articles. Our Course Reserves site allows you to search for items being held at the library on reserve for your courses. SOAR@SU is a digital archive of scholarly work produced by SU students, faculty, and staff. And if you’re looking for something fun to read, use our Leisure Reading guide to find out what is currently available at the library.
Finding Materials
We offer several resources to help you get oriented and find materials in the library. If you already know what you’re looking for, you can use the Call Number Locator to locate a book by its call number. If you’re having trouble finding a book, take a look at our in-depth guide to using the library, or you can a report a particular item as missing.
Research Help
When getting started with your research, our Library Research Guides are a great resource. Each guide has been created by SU librarians for specific subjects and courses. If you have a specific research question, you can contact the Research Help Desk. For more in-depth help, you may wish to schedule a research consultation with the appropriate subject librarian.
For help with citations and citation management, check out our Citation Style Guide. We offer all SU students, faculty, and staff access to ProQuest RefWorks for citation management.