Guerrieri Academic Commons arial view from front entrance.

MakerLab Services

The SU Libraries MakerLab offers much more than just 3D printing. You can see the many different types of equipment we have below. MakerLab staff are on hand at all times to help you with all of this equipment. If you have any questions, or if you would like to suggest equipment for us to investigate for the future, feel free to stop by the MakerLab or contact us at

While many of our services are provided free of charge, some do require payment. These are mostly services that require the use of materials provided by the MakerLab. You can see a full breakdown of our prices on this price sheet.

For large projects involving many prints or long-term use of our resources, we recommend creating a MakerLab Request ticket (SU students, faculty, and staff only). This will help MakerLab staff keep track of your project over time and make communication easier.

All Services

Click a service below to jump to that section of this page.

3D Printing

The MakerLab offers access to 6 3D printers, including both FDM/FFF and SLA 3D printing technologies. If you are unsure of wich printer would work best for your project, we are happy to provide guidance during your visit.

3D Printing Materials

The MakerLab stocks a number of basic materials that are available any time. This includes PLA in a wide variety of colors, as well as materials for our SLA printer and laser cutter. We also offer a number of additional colors and more advanced materials that are available by request.

You can use our Material Explorer to view all the materials available at the MakerLab and whether or not they need to be requested. If you have any questions or need to use material that is not listed, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss your project with you.

Go to the Material Explorer

3D Scanning

We offer a handheld scanner for scanning larger objects but with less detail, and a high-definition stationary scanner for high detail scans of smaller objects.

Laser Cutting & Engraving

Glowforge Laser Cutter/Engraver The Glowforge Laser Cutter/Engraver allows cutting or engraving of materials such as plywood, acrylic, leather, and more. You can create engraving and cutting patterns using a variety of methods, from scanning printed images to creating custom cutting patterns using vector image software.

If you are interested in using this device, visit the MakerLab or contact us to learn about its requirements and limitations. Note that we prefer you to use materials provided by the MakerLab; we will evaluate other materials on a case-by-case basis.

Glowforge technical specifications

iPad Checkouts

The SU Libraries MakerLab offers 26 iPads that are available for checkout These devices can be checked out from the MakerLab during the Fall and Spring semesters when the MakerLab is open, and are available to SU students, faculty, and staff for 2-week loans. During Summer and Winter sessions, please make an appointment to check out an iPad.

All iPads come with either 32 GB or 64 GB of internal storage and include a case, power adapter, and charging cable. An Apple Pencil is also available with each iPad, if desired. Additionally, we have a limited quantity of iPad Smart Keyboards that are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

We encourage you to check our Device Availability page to see which iPads and accessories are available before coming to the MakerLab. If all iPads are checked out, you will have the option of joining a waiting list to be notified when one becomes available.

iPads can be renewed after the 2-week loan period as long as there is no one on the waiting list. For a complete list of our iPad circulation policies, please see our Policies page.

VR/AR Equipment

Our virtual reality equipment is available for checkout so you can use it outside of the MakerLab. If you're interested in using any of this equipment, we recommend making an appointment or reaching out to us through email at

Other Equipment