Guerrieri Academic Commons arial view from front entrance.

Community Group Visits

We are happy to host groups from outside of Salisbury University at the MakerLab. If you are interested in bringing a group, please read through this page to learn about what we can offer.

Thank you for your interest in visiting the Salisbury University Libraries MakerLab! In addition to the services we provide to campus, we are proud to offer a number of programs and activities for members of the surrounding community.

This document outlines the various programs that are available. Please note that these are intended for groups of 5 to 25. Smaller groups do not need to make arrangements in advance before visiting, and some programs may not be appropriate for groups larger than 25.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at

Requesting a Group Visit

If you are interested in one of the programs below, please send an email to In your email, please be sure to provide the following information so we can be sure to provide you with the best service possible:

  • The name of the program you are requesting from the list below
  • The name of your school/organization
  • The number of people in your group (including the number of children and chaperones, if applicable)
  • The age range of your group
  • The date(s) and time(s) that you would like to visit.
  • If the session includes any cost, please briefly describe how you’d like to make the payment (individual check/credit card, school invoice, etc.)