maroon wave

Scarab Celebration Features Poetry Reading by Belle Waring May 13

SALISBURY, MD--In celebration of the 1999 publication of Salisbury State University’s student literary magazine, "Scarab,"a poetry reading by Belle Waring, author of the "Refuge" (1990) and "Dark Blond" (1997), will be held on Thursday, May 13, at 8 p.m. in the Frederick Room of the Commons on the SSU campus. Her presentation, free and open to the public, will be preceded by a brief presentation by student authors. In praise for "Refuge," "Publisher’s Weekly" said, "Waring’s poetic both startlingly original and reassuringly familiar...(Her) uncompromising yet comic way of seeing the world allows her to transcend even life’s heaviest blows."

"Dark Blonde," drawing from her work as a neonatal nurse and from more common experiences, was the recipient of the first annual Levis Reading Prize by the Department of English and the Creative Writing Program at Virginia Commonwealth University.

For more information on her Salisbury State appearance please contact the SSU Public Relations Office at 410-543-6030.