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Center for Conflict Resolution Hosts Open House October 20

class=""MsoNormal"">SALISBURY, MD---The Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR) hosts an open house in celebration of Maryland Conflict Resolution Day from 4-7 p.m. Thursday, October 20. CCR is located at 1100 Camden Ave.

class=""MsoNormal"">Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and the Association for Conflict Resolution have proclaimed statewide and nationally that October 20 is Conflict Resolution Day. In Maryland, Chief Judge Robert Bell founded the Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission eight years ago and through the Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO) continues to support statewide conflict resolution efforts.

class=""MsoNormal"">CCR provides mediation services throughout Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties. Volunteer mediators are professionally trained and apprenticed, providing ongoing conflict resolution opportunities for members of our community. CCR mediates family, neighborhood, business, workplace and faith-based disputes at no cost to the participants. 

class=""MsoNormal"">CCR was founded in 1992 at Salisbury University. In addition to providing mediation and training, the center conducts research in the field of dispute resolution and currently offers an undergraduate program in conflict analysis and dispute resolution at the University. CCR is a member of the Maryland Association of Community Mediation Centers, with community mediation centers in 16 counties through Maryland. Support comes from MACRO and partners throughout the community.

class=""MsoNormal"">A mediation demonstration begins at 4:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided. The open house is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-219-2873 or visit the Center for Conflict Resolution Web site at "