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Performance of Picasso at the Lapin Agile -- April 25 - May 4

SALISBURY, MD -- Picasso at the Lapin Agile, winner of the 1996 Outer Critic's Circle Award for "Best Play" and "Best Playwright" for Steve Martin, opens Thursday, April 25, in the Fulton Hall Theatre at Salisbury University. Performances are Thursdays-Saturdays, April 25-27 and May 2-4, at 8 p.m. with matinees Sundays, April 28 and May 5, at 2 p.m. Directed by senior theatre major Gregg Pica, this all-student production by Sophanes, the campus theatre club, finishes the all-American season of the Bobbi Biron Theatre Program.

Steve Martin's comedy is "an invigorating vaudeville for the mind. Full of laughs and intriguing ideas about art and science and celebrity and creativity," said one Outer Circle critic. In Picasso, Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso meet by chance at a small bar in Paris. They comically discuss the future, and what impact they feel they will have on it. They are joined by art dealers, want-to-be investors, their lovers and a visitor from the future.

The cast features Justin Gallo as Picasso and Adam Lehman as Albert Einstein. Also appearing are Anthony Parker, Matt Ripa, Kristina Lawall, Priscilla Magalee, Lindsay Smith, Jason Lang, Anne Crossman, Kristy Adams and Eric Gemmer. Set design is by Devin Short. Jessica Fritz is stage manager.

Tickets are $8 general admission, $6 for students and senior citizens. SU ID card holders are admitted free. Tickets may be purchased in advance by calling the Theatre Box Office at 410-543-6228 or visiting the Information Desk in the Guerrieri University Center; tickets may also be purchased at the theatre the night of the performance. For more information call the Box Office or visit the SU Web site at