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ShoreCorps/PALS Recognition of Service class of 2011

ShoreCorps/PALS graduation
Pictured, from left: Program Director Mark Thompson, Aleshia Polk, Geneva Collins, Ashley Gunther, Administrative Assistant Christine Aument, Ciara Cooks, Beverly Moyer, JaMilla Thompson, Katherine Kitzrow, Jamelle Horsey, Jonathan Goldklang, Project Director Dr. Whitehead,  Brooks Onley, Laurin McNiff and Ashley Meckley. Not pictured are members Quincy Allen, Natalee Cartwright, Michael Greenfield, Takara Melton, Josalyn Rolfe, Sonya White and Tori Williams.

SALISBURY, MD---ShoreCorps/PALS (Partnership for Adolescents on the Lower Shore), the AmeriCorps program at Salisbury University, recently celebrated its 2011 graduation.

Twenty members were honored for their year of service with local organizations and agencies in Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. They include: Quincy Allen, Natalee Cartwright, Geneva Collins, Ciara Cooks, Jonathan Goldklang, Michael Greenfield, Ashley Gunter, Jamelle Horsey, Katherine Kitzrow, Laurin McNiff, Ashley Meckley, Takara Melton, Beverly Moyer, Brooks Onley, Aleshia Polk, Alessa Rash, Josalyn Rolfe, Jamilla Thompson, Sonya White and Tori Williams.

ShoreCorps/PALS started its service to the community in 1995, the year after AmeriCorps was founded. The program is committed to providing members and sites with excellent service and an attitude of “getting things done.”

Members serve in positions providing mentoring, homework assistance, conflict resolution, emergency preparedness, health education programs, establishing peer support groups, conducting community outreach activities and recruiting volunteers to support project activities.

This year, members mentored over 7,000 youth and adolescents, provided assistance to almost 19,371 youth, recruited and managed over 1,493 volunteers who served over 8,754 hours.

“I continue to be impressed with the dedication of AmeriCorps members to the Eastern Shore community,” said George Whitehead, project director.

Program Director Mark Thompson also commended members for their determination and enthusiasm they bring to the sites where they serve.

Community Partners for 2011 included the Wicomico Partnership for Families and Children, Worcester County Health Department (HART and Prevention Programs), Delmar Elementary School, Ward Museum, College Career Access Program at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Salisbury’s Promise, Salisbury Zoo, Telamon, Delmarva Discovery Center, Center 4 a Clean Start, Kids of Honor, Wicomico Mentoring Project and Kids of Honor.

ShoreCorps/PALS is recruiting community partners and new members. For more information call 410-548-5119 or visit the organization’s Web site at