Our Conceptual Framework
A Tradition of Caring: Informed Professionals Promoting Student Success and Excellent Practice in Education
Themes and Associated Learning Outcomes
Focus on Student Learning
- Respect of cultures, values, beliefs and talents of all persons
- Recognition that self-esteem influences achievement
- Value of cultural dimensions of communication
- Understanding how learning occurs
- Content and pedagogical knowledge grounded in the arts and sciences.
- Interactive models of teaching that engage all learners and encourage active learning in a scholarly environment.
- Recognition that careers in education require a lifelong process of scholarly learning.
Informed and Reflective Practice
- Clear communication of knowledge so that others can learn.
- Application of pedagogical theory to diverse educational settings.
- Appreciation of the use of technology as a tool for learning and communication.
- Informed decision making.
- Quality performance through critically examined practice.
Professional Collaboration and Development
- Knowledge of schools as social and political systems.
- Establishment of productive relationships with parents, educators, and other members of the community.
- Commitment to teaching, learning and service through participation in professional development.
- Appreciation of the magnitude of responsibility for education professionals.