
Whether you're faculty looking to enter the world of OER use and creation to save your students money on course materials, or to have more ownership and customization of the materials you choose for your course, we have people to help you.

If you're staff, you can also use and create OER to assist with on-boarding and training employees to better tailor your training materials to your department's specific needs.




You might be surprised to learn that Open Educational Resources are not just for instructors and students. Any business that is budget minded can make use of free resources available through the various OER repositories. You just have to be aware of the licensing for the OER you choose. An OER Librarian can help you understand the various licenses associated with OER.

Resources that staff could make use of are photos, graphic images, sounds, videos, music, training manuals, etc. You can choose what you want and assemble what you need into one OER as long as the licenses are compatible with one another. Contact our OER librarian for help in finding the specific resources you need.

graphic of student pointing

Get Started!

Discover a global collection of OER! Explore discipline specific text, images, audio, and video course materials.
Learn how to create original OER, revise, reuse, and remix existing OER, and use rubrics to evaluate OER.
Learn how to effectively use OER in your courses to increase representation and participation.

There are many options to learn more about OER: