Having a whole course dedicated to learning the organizational units, master data and processes established a very in-depth knowledge of how the system worked, which was then expanded on by taking the configuration course. Then, by taking the TERP10 course and obtaining the certification, I was able to further my learning and get well-rounded basis knowledge of the different modules. Also, having the certification was a great way to impress interviewers. Being able to leave college with more than just knowledge of the theory and having the hands-on experience that we had in class with the system, was a great boost. They were impressed at the level of information I learned in school. I owe everything to your great teaching and the opportunities I had at Salisbury, or I would have never been able to have been offered this job. It is crazy to think I took Info370 as an elective as it was the only class that filled my schedule, and it turned out to change my life.