Honors Student Ambassadors
Honors Student Ambassadors are exemplary students in the Clarke Honors College. They are available to answer any questions you may have about the college and their experiences at Salisbury University. Please feel free to ask them anything!
Lead Ambassadors
Megan Spicer
Hi! My name is Megan Spicer and I am the Lead Ambassador of the Clarke Honors College. I am pursing an ACS track Chemistry Degree with a minor in Psychology. I am from northern Baltimore County, and I love the beach! I love the connectivity and friendships you make within the Clarke Honors College and all of the cool events they host! In addition to fun, honors can truly help you to expand your education and opportunity during your college career. I just finished studying abroad in Sicily this summer through honors, and I plan to present at multiple conferences this year all thanks to honors.
Please feel free to email me if you have any extra questions! I love to make new friends and help any way I can. :)
Email: mspicer2@gulls.salisbury.edu
Bella Casey
Hello everyone! My name is Isabella Casey and I will be a junior Finance major, with a minor in Information Systems from Parkton, MD. Currently on campus, I am the lead ambassador for the Honors Business Program, I work as an assistant in the Office of the Provost & President of Salisbury University, and I am a new member of the Perdue Student Business Leader team!Outside of campus, I enjoy golfing, going to the beach, and hanging out with my friends.
My experiences through the Clarke Honors College has extended my college career greatly and I look forward to this upcoming year!
Please reach out to me if you need anything, I would love to assist!
Email: Icasey1@gulls.salisbury.edu
Maggie Atherton
Hey everyone! My name is Maggie and I am the lead ambassador of the Bellavance program for the Clarke Honors College. I am currently majoring in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution with a minor in Law, Justice, and Advocacy! At Salisbury University, I am a Presidential Citizen Scholar, University Host, and a proud member of Relay For Life. I am always on campus, so don’t be afraid to say hi!
Bryce Machalek
Hi! My name is Bryce Machalek and I am the lead ambassador for the Henson Honors Program. I’m a biology major in the biotechnology track, which basically means I’m not pre-med. I envision myself ultimately getting a Ph.D. and being a principal investigator with my own lab. I’m especially interested in finding ways to combat antibiotic resistance and persistence.
I’m a member of the Henson Science Honors Program. I participated in a first year Living Learning Community (LLC) focused on environmental science, and a sophomore LLC focused on education. I’m involved in the Honors Student Association, which does volunteer and service work, has seasonal parties, and is a great way to connect with fellow honors students. I believe my involvement in the honors program set me apart as a candidate for a summer research internship at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. I spent the summer of 2022 working in a microbiology laboratory at NIH. My research focused on the interactions between two species of opportunistic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) that are associated with cystic fibrosis.
I’m a graduate of the Presidential Citizen Scholars Program (PCS) cohort of 2023, which emphasizes community service and civic engagement. As a PCS scholar, I regularly volunteered during community events in downtown Salisbury. For the PCS capstone project, two other students and I sought to prevent some of downtown Salisbury’s surface runoff from polluting the Chesapeake Bay. We worked with the City of Salisbury and several nonprofit groups to remove asphalt from an unused parking lot at Blind Industries and Services of Maryland and replace it with garden soil and native white oak trees, which will absorb stormwater, clean the air, and provide shade.
I’m also vice president of the Starnet Society, affectionately nicknamed the “Nerd Club,” which focuses on gaming, sci-fi, fantasy and anime.
I grew up in Potomac, MD and attended Montgomery County Public Schools. I’d be happy to tell you about my experience at SU, the Henson Honors Program, LLCs, PCS, and student-run clubs.
Senior Ambassadors
Elizabeth Wash
Hi everybody! My name is Elizabeth A. Wash and I will be a senior for the 2023-2024 school year at Salisbury University. My major is Biology – Biomedical Track with minors in Chemistry and Deaf Studies. My plan after completing my undergraduate studies is to attend medical school or graduate school.
Apart from my academics, I am a member of numerous clubs and organizations. I am the President of Delta Alpha Pi - the honor society for high achieving students with disabilities. I am the Editor-in-Chief for Laridae - the Undergraduate Research Journal at Salisbury University and an editor for The Saunterer – a magazine put together entirely by honors students. I also serve as a member of the Medical Careers Society, Honors Student Association, Multicultural Alliance, and the American Sign Language Club, and the creator of DAP Allies, an organization devoted to allyship with the disability community. I have also served as an Americorps Member, and Presidential Citizen Scholar in the 2023 Cohort, and I am a student worker in the Disability Resource Center on campus.
The Clarke Honors College has given me great opportunities to volunteer and be a part of the greater community that surrounds the university and be an active member of society and life. I have been able to develop academically and succeed, including being recently named the Maryland Collegiate Honors Council's (MCHC) 2023 Outstanding Maryland Honors Student.
With the use of LLCs, I was able to meet my best friends, as well as upperclassmen who have similar interests. The environment of the LLC’s and Honor’s professors allows for a supportive community that encourages learning, celebrates success, and is willing to advise all who ask. Whether it is showing up at an event that you are featured in, helping you edit an essay, or always making sure there are snacks, the Clarke Honors College is there to help you succeed in every way imaginable.
I look forward to being able to help students adjust and get the best possible experience. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to my email at ewash1@gulls.salisbury.edu and I look forward to seeing you all around campus!
Jessica Reider
Hello! My name is Jessica Reider, and I am a General Biology major with minors in Chemistry and Marine Science. Besides being involved in honors, I am the Vice President of the SU VEX Robotics Club as well as Vice President of DAP Allies, an organization to learn, acknowledge, and participate in allyship with the Disability Community and work directly with Delta Alpha Pi. I am also a member of the Environmental Student Association, BioEnvirons, Outdoor Club, and Women in STEM. The CHC has made a positive impact on my college experience by providing a community of like-minded people to both live and learn with. The opportunities available through honors are endless and there is something for everyone, no matter your major. I would love to answer any questions people may have about the Henson program or honors in general, so don’t be afraid to reach out!
Ginny Murray
Hi everyone, my name is Ginny Murray. I am currently a Senior, and I am from Westminster, Maryland. My major is Biology with a focus in Biomedical Science and minors in Cognitive Science and Chemistry. Following graduation, I plan on going to graduate school to study neuroscience.
Currently, I am involved in Dr. Clark's research lab, where I am investigating the impact of hyperglycemia on the integrity of the optic nerve. Using zebrafish as a model organism, our lab aims to characterize potential mechanisms behind neural degeneration and regeneration following metabolic insult.
On campus, I am a member of Phi Etma Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, and Beta Beta Beta Honors Societies. In addition, I am a representative for the Biology department in the Henson Student Leadership Advisory Council (H-SLAC).
My involvement in the Clarke Honors College has truly enriched my college experience. The Honors College has given me so many fantastic opportunities, such as studying abroad in Sicily. Here, I was able to learn about and experience Italian culture. In addition, Honors has introduced me to outstanding students, and allowed me to form lasting friendships! I'm grateful for the Clarke Honors College and I'm so happy to represent it as an Honors Student Ambassador!
If you have any questions about the Henson Honors Program or getting involved on campus, please feel free to reach out!
Junior Ambassadors
Allison Dincau
Hello! My name is Allison Dincau, and I am a junior in the Clarke Honors College. I am a double major in Theater Performance and Political Science. After obtaining my degree at Salisbury I hope to go on to work creatively in the theatre field, melding my passions of theatre and politics together. I’m so excited to be able to share my amazing experience in the honors college with others. So far in my college career I have been able to work as a writer for the Saunterer and present my own research at the the Northeast Regional Honors Conference in Philadelphia. I also recently got to take part in a trip to study abroad with the honors college to Sicily! These experiences have made the honors college an integral part of my college career thus far. I love getting involved at Salisbury, whether it be through the honors college, the theater department, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Arts, or working at the library. I hope to be able to help others navigate their experiences as a student and a person at SU. Outside of school I love to travel, read, watch TV and movies, and most of all spend quality time with the people in my life. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything or have any questions!
Email: adincau1@gull.salisbury.edu
Caroline Daly
Hello! I am Caroline Daly and I am studying marking and sales in the business honors program here at SU. I am from Annapolis. MD and I love to travel, listen to music, hang out with friends, and be active!
The Honors College has given me so many opportunities such as meeting new friends, learning in a smaller class, networking opportunities, amazing faculty and staff, and the opportunity to study abroad this summer 2023 in Florence, Italy for honors credit.
Outside of academics, I am on the women’s lacrosse team and an ambassador of the Student Athlete Mentor Program. Being a part of this team and club have given me my best friends, an awesome coaching staff, shown me true leadership skills, confidence, and strength.
I hope to bring a side of athletics, studying abroad, and different ideas to the Clarke Honors College this year as an ambassador.
As a student athlete, schedules can get busy and tough, so I am here to help if you need anything at all! Always remember that every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow!
Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or want to get to know each other :)
Email: cbrenner2@gulls.salisbury.edu
Kayla Pederson
Hey everyone! My name is Kayla Pedersen and I’m a junior this year at SU! I grew up near Hershey, PA and I chose Salisbury for the strong variety of academics, its beautiful campus location, and the many opportunities this school offers. I came in undecided, but have found a home in the Perdue School of Business. Now, I am dual majoring in Accounting and Information Systems with a Business Analytics track.
Aside from being an Honors College Ambassador, I am also a member of the volleyball team, the president of Relay For Life, a member of the club lacrosse team, and I have an on-campus job at the Dean of Students Office. The Honors College can appear to be a lot of work, but with the right support system, planning, and determination, there are so many benefits that this program offers. I am extremely involved on campus, but with the help of my professors and advisors, graduating with Honors is well within my reach as I finish my last two years at SU! Honors has opened the door to life-changing experiences like presenting my first-year research at an honors conference and studying abroad in Italy. It also offers smaller class sizes for discussion based learning, priority registration, and a wonderful welcoming community that always has your back.
College, especially in Honors, will have its challenges, but so many people have been in your shoes and we are more than willing to help you! Please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’d love to meet you and support you in any way possible!!
Lian Peach
Hi everyone! My name is Lian Peach, and I am a Political Science major with an Economics minor. I would love to work in state government and hope to pursue a master’s in Public Policy in the future. I grew up in York, PA, so I’m definitely no Maryland expert, but I'm learning and I have loved my time at Salisbury so far!
I'm pretty involved around campus so be sure to say hi if you see me around! In addition to being a part of the Honors College, I am also the Director of Academic Affairs for SGA, a managing editor for Laridae (SU's undergraduate research journal), a Presidential Citizen Scholar with PACE, an First Flight Orientation Leader, and I play violin in the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.
The Honors College really helped me with the college transition in my first year, which was definitely difficult for me. Between connecting me with some of my best friends to supporting and inspiring my interest in research, the Honors College has helped make Salisbury feel like a second home. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be an Honors Student Ambassador again this year and continue to be involved in the Honors College itself. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or to just say hi!
Email: lpeach1@gulls.salisbury.edu
Lydia Lyons
Hello students! I’m Lydia, a junior Information Systems Major and a returning Honors Ambassador. The CHC has supported me in serving other organizations as President of Food for the Flock and a Supplemental Instruction Lead for INFO 211. I would love to share my experiences with students about what the CHC has to offer such as a Summer Study Abroad program in Sicily Italy which is pictured in my photo!! My email is always open if you have questions about the Honors College or the abundant opportunities it provides both academically and in one's career path.
Email: llyons1@gulls.salisbury.edu
Victoria Lessig
Hi everyone! My name is Victoria Lessig, but I go by Vicky. I am from Reading, Pennsylvania, and I am a Political Science and French major with an international studies minor. Outside of the honors college I am a senator in the Student Government Association here at SU, where I am a senator for the Diversity and Inclusion committee. I am also the secretary for Phi Sigma Iota, the language honors society here on campus!
The honors college here at SU has blessed me with multiple different opportunities to really get involved in my academics. The teachers have helped me through some difficult times, and they are always there for you. The classes also have interesting structures and have been some of my favorites!
If you ever have any questions about the Political Science program, the language program, or the Honors college, please feel free to reach out! (Ps, the baby in the picture is not mine, it is my niece.)
Email: vlessig1@gulls.salisbury.edu
Alexandra Lipinski
Hi everyone! My name is Alex Lipinski, and I’m from White Haven, Pennsylvania. I’m a junior biology major on the environmental biology track with a minor in chemistry. Outside of being an Honors Ambassador, I’m the president of the BioEnvirons club and Quadball club as well as a member of the club field hockey team.
The Clarke Honors College has provided me with many invaluable opportunities. As a first year, I was able to present my Honors 111 paper at the Northeast Regional Honors Conference. I’ve been able to connect with professors and other honors students who share my interests, and I’ve made many friends within the honors community.
If you have any questions about the Henson Honors program or getting involved on campus, please feel free to reach out! I am looking forward to seeing all of you this school year!
Sophomore Ambassadors
Claire Morin
Hello, my name is Claire Morin. I am an elementary education major with a minor in mathematics and Deaf studies. I am from Montgomery County, Maryland. This year, I am a sophomore at Salisbury University.
This is my first year as a Honors Student Ambassador! It is also my first year as the Honors Student Association social media coordinator. In my first yearyear, I was a part of the honors LLC and the spring 2023 edition of The Saunterer.
I am excited for the year ahead of me! Feel free to email me any questions you have!
Ellen Tarjan
Hello! My name is Ellen Tarjan, and I am sophomore from Virginia Beach, VA! I am a biology major on a pre-medicine track, with a minor in chemistry and deaf studies. I am student athlete on the varsity softball team, and I am a member of CRU (Campus Crusaders for Christ). If you have any questions or need help with anything (or just see me around campus) don't hesitate to reach out!
Gabe Miksa
Hello! My name is Gabe Miksa and I am a Chemistry major or an Accelerated Pharmacy Track. Aside from being an Honors Ambassador, I am also part of the men’s SU Swim Team and a Math Tutor. In my free time I like playing chess, reading about philosophy, and meeting new people.
Kate Carlgren
Hello! My name is Kate Carlgren and I am a fine arts major with a track in graphic design. This will be my second year in the CHC, which has been a great way for me to enrich my college career both academically and socially. In my free time, I enjoy art, music, and spending time with my friends. I also work as a student manager in the dining hall, so it's very likely that you will see me around on campus! As an ambassador, I hope to help new honors students adapt to campus life and have a great experience at Salisbury, so please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns, or simply just to say hi. I am very excited to see what this year is going to bring and I hope you enjoy your time in the CHC!
Kevin Bowers
Hello! My name is Kevin Bowers, and I am a sophomore majoring in Accounting with aspirations of becoming a Certified Public Accountant after graduation. I am from Damascus, Maryland and in my free time I enjoy camping, four wheeling, playing sports, and hanging out with friends. This will be my first year as an Honors Student Ambassador and I am eager to become more involved with the current and incoming honors students.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!
Email: kbowers3@gulls.salisbury.edu
Lauryn Dennis
Hello! My name is Lauryn, and I am a sophomore political science major. I love politics and law, and plan to continue my education to become a practicing attorney. I became an honors ambassador because the Clarke Honors College has made such a positive impact on my SU experience. I am also a resident assistant, which allows me to help new students adjust to college life. In addition, I am a member of the Student Government Association, through which I am able to make impactful changes on campus and explore fulfilling volunteer opportunities. (The CHC is great for that, too!)
As an ambassador, I am here to help and support honors students. Plus, I love meeting people, especially over coffee! Can’t wait to see you on campus!
Madison Repole
Hi!! My name is Madison Repole and I am a sophomore secondary education major with a focus in history! Outside of academics I am a member of SOAP and best buddies! I am from Glenwood, Maryland and love the CAPs, Taylor Swift, and painting! This is my first year as an Honors Student Ambassador and I am so excited to see what this year has in store! The honors college was so helpful with the transition into college and has helped me meet some of my best friends. I am so thankful for all of the opportunities and fun activities the honors college provides making it feel like an amazing second home.
Please reach out with any questions or if you just want to say hey!!
Email: mrepole1@gulls.salisbury.edu
Maggie Patterson
Hi, I’m Maggie Patterson. I am a sophomore double majoring in Communications and English. Outside of being a CHC ambassador, I am a student worker at the honors house and run their social media pages. (Give us a follow on Instagram @suhonorscollege). I also write poetry and articles for our honors magazine, The Saunterer. In addition to these roles in the honors college, I am in a sorority on campus, Alpha Sigma Tau, and am serving as secretary on the Panhellenic Council for the 2023 to 2024 school year.
The Clarke Honors College has opened so many doors for me including job and research opportunities as well as helping me form connections to professors who want to see me succeed. I am forever grateful for my acceptance into such a supportive community and am excited to continue to give back to the college by being an ambassador.
Feel free to reach out, I’d love to get to know you!
Olivia Davis
Hi! My name is Olivia Davis, and I am a sophomore with an accounting major and a Finance Minor. After completing my degree, I plan to become a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Certified Public Accountant and work in white-collar crime. Outside of academics, I am a proud member of Zeta Tau Alpha. In addition to my FSL involvement, I am the secretary for Best Buddies and work in the Curriculum Resource Center in Conway Hall!
The Clarke Honors College has provided me with so many opportunities so far, and I am excited to see what it continues to bring to my college experience. So far, I've been a part of the Business LLC, and I spoke at the Maryland Collegiate Honors Council Conference on my research from Honors 111. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or just need someone to listen!
Samantha Watson
Hi everyone! My name is Samantha Watson and I am a sophomore at Salisbury University with a major in Exercise Science and a Minor in Biology. I hope to go to graduate school and get my DPT after I graduate SU. I am from Long Island, NY and happy to being going to school on the Eastern Shore of MD!
My first year at SU offered me some incredible opportunities through the Clarke Honors College! I was able to get involved in research in my major my very first semester at SU because of an assignment in my HONR 111 class. The faculty in and outside of the honors college are truly amazing and always there to help you set and reach goals you never thought possible.
I also want to highlight that some of the kindest, most determined, and inspirational peers I have met are apart of the honors college. You won’t realize it in the moment, but you’ll go to a few club meetings or events, and then an honors event only to discover that many of the people you saw at those meetings are also members of the CHC. There really is a network of passionate, welcoming people in the CHC and being a part of it is something I deeply value.
I am also a proud member of our Women’s Swimming Team, the Relay for Life planning committee, and our Student Government Association. Getting involved on campus can be overwhelming at first, especially when you are nervous about doing well in your first couple classes at college and feel compelled to do all the wonderful things offered by our honors college too. Add on being an athlete, an employee, or anything else requiring your time and energy, and you realize balance becomes the key to enjoying your college experience. The people (faculty and peers) in the CHC are here to help you find this balance and guide you on the path to make the most of your time at SU.
If you have any questions about the Clarke Honors College, being a student-athlete, going to school out-of-state, getting involved, or anything in between, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Email: swatson6@gulls.salisbury.edu
Sophie Detorie
Hi! My name is Sophie, I’m an English and Honors Student. Welcome to the CHC and I can’t wait to meet you!
Zane Jacquot
Hey y'all! I'm Zane, and I'm in the Bellavance School with an English major. I love movies, music, and all things artsy. I'm looking forward to being one of your honors ambassadors!
Jahnaiya Sutherland
Hello there, fellow Honors students! My name is Jahnaiya Sutherland. As a sophomore Data Science student from Bowie, MD minoring in Business Administration and Africana Studies, I've had an incredible journey filled with meaningful experiences and opportunities.
From the moment I stepped foot on campus, I dove headfirst into various activities and organizations. As a member and Vice President of various Multicultural organizations, I've wholeheartedly embraced the power of getting involved. Trust me, it truly enhances your college experience and opens doors to new passions and lifelong connections!
While exploring my academic path, I discovered my love for African American studies and began charting my course accordingly. The Honors College has been instrumental in my growth, offering a range of opportunities to expand my horizons. For instance, I had the privilege of building invaluable friendships within the Honors LLC in Manokin Hall, volunteering in downtown Salisbury, and presenting my Honors 111 research about Black Women and the difficulties they face in corporate at the Maryland Collegiate Honors Council's conference.
One of the most remarkable aspects of the Honors College is the exceptional support provided by the faculty and staff. They possess an impressive depth of knowledge in their fields, but what sets them apart is their genuine care and dedication to student success. They foster a nurturing environment that encourages us to thrive, both academically AND personally. The small class sizes and discussion-based approach create an engaging atmosphere, allowing for stimulating conversations and individualized attention. I appreciate the flexibility offered by the Honors program, as it allows me to explore my diverse interests beyond my primary area of study while still earning credits.
I vividly remember my own uncertainties as a firsr year, but rest assured, you're not alone. The transition to college can be overwhelming, but I can attest to the warm and supportive community at Salisbury. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or simply want to connect. I'm here to lend a helping hand and share my experiences to ensure your smooth integration into Salisbury. Together, we can make your time here truly unforgettable.
Logan Lankford
Hi I'm Logan! I'm a sophomore exercise science major on a path towards occupational therapy and this is my first year as an honors student ambassador. I'm an orientation leader so you might have met me already! I'm starting as a university host this fall, taking a class so I can work in the writing center, and I'm involved in SU's United Way. All great ways to get involved and show my love of Salisbury University. With multiple alumni in my family, that gull pride runs deep!! I grew up just south of Salisbury and have been around campus my whole life if you need recommendations of cool spots around the shore. Coming to SU and getting involved in the Clarke Honors College has pushed me out of my comfort zone in so many ways, encouraging me to strive for a higher standard of academics, become a better public speaker, and meet the people who have become my best friends! I'm so glad to see you're interested in the CHC, don't hesitate to ask me questions, and I look forward to seeing you around campus!