Netiquette is the term associated to etiquette on the Internet. While most Internet applications do not have any rules or regulations to use and obtain information, there are some general courtesies that you can adhere to when communicating.
- Keep in mind that some discussions will have people from all over the world. References to cultural events and items in your country may not be understood by others. The same would apply to geographical references.
- While capitalizing all letters in a word can be used for emphasis, avoid using all capital letters throughout the message - it is considered SHOUTING!
- Keep your questions and comments relevant to the focus of the discussion group. Resist the temptation to "flame" others on the discussion or not abiding by the discussion rules. Remember that most discussions are "public" and meant for constructive exchanges. Treat the others on the list as you would want them to treat you.
- When replying to a message, verify the address that it is being sent. Personal message should only go to the author of a message, public messages to the entire group.
- When quoting another person, edit the quotation to apply only what is relevant to your message. Only respond to a message when adding additional content. No one wants to read several lines that state "Me too!"